Please sign European Initiative! Stop TTIP and CETA
The EU soon intends to sign two far-reaching trade agreements: one with Canada (CETA = Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement) and one with the USA (TTIP = Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership). The official line is that this will create jobs and increase economic growth. However, the beneficiaries of these agreements will be big corporations, not citizens:
Investor-State-Dispute Settlement (ISDS): Canadian and US companies would have the right to sue for damages if they believe that they have suffered losses because of government decisions (for instance new laws to protect the environment or consumer rights).
Improving or even maintaining our standards for food, labour rights, environmental protection and consumer rights will become much harder.
Liberalisation and privatisation would effectively become irreversible.
The EU and its member states would come under pressure to allow risky technologies such as fracking or genetic modification.
CETA and TTIP would increase the power of multinationals at the expense of democracy and the public. We must not allow this to happen!